I had a storm of my own this week - everything is back and it's full force! I've been at the Dixie Volleyball team camp all week coaching the little girls. It was pretty cool seeing them improve as a team just over the four days. They were long days, especially for Jorel, but he did awesome! By the fourth day you could tell that he just had it, but he still went along a was pretty good. I also started in on my new class - Statistics for Managers using Exel. The first week is now over and I think it will go okay, but don't want to talk too soon!
Jorel is my little wild man - he can now get himself sitting from lying down, he rolls every where, he's rocking on his hands and knees ready to crawl any day now, and he's climbing on everything! He's all over the crib when he sleeps - the other day I found him after a nap with one sleeve out of his shirt and leg out of his diaper and I had just checked on him about five minutes earlier! Silly kid. He's teething right now, so I kind of came up with a solution - I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of it, but I was proud of myself because I thought of it on my own... I took one of those solid food mesh eaters - you know, so they don't choke on their food - and stuck an ice cube in it. He chews and sucks on it so he gets some relief from his aching gums and get some fluids. He doesn't always like it, but when he does, he does! He's just so funny but I really just wanted to share some of the latest picks... the little turd! :)
how is it possible that he literally gets cuter by the day?? can't wait to see him with all his new grown up habits. cool pic of the lightning too!
I want to squeeze him! he is so dang cute!! love those eyes!
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