Tuesday, July 17, 2012

all about j-man

i haven't done a "just jorel" post in a while, so i thought i would.  he really is at an age where he is just too much fun.  his attitude comes out every once in a while, but overall he has been rather pleasant lately.  i feel like he doesn't argue as much and fight me to go to bed - well most of the time anyway.  he plays well with his toys and his friends.  and it is VERY true that kids say the darnedest things.  he cracks me up everyday and he is getting to be such a big kid.  all of that bitter sweet stuff that you love and hate.  he still just likes to be in his undies and play with his cars and trains.  he is getting smarter and smarter is even starting to read.  anyway.  he's just the greatest.  AND he'll be 5 SO SOON! EEK!!!!

also he started calling me "your majesty" and when he opens the door for me he says "step on out little lady" - cracks me up every time!


Heather said...

That kid is so stinkin' handsome!

dxeechick said...

just love him to death.